The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT)

Transgender people

  • People who identify as transgender.
  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • TG people
    • Trans-identified people
    • Trans people
    • Transgender-identified people
    • Transgendered people
    • Transgenders
    • Transpeople
  • Broader Terms

  • Related Terms

  • Sources

    • found: Merriam-Webster online, Apr. 21, 2015:transgender (also transgendered; of, relating to, or being a person (such as a transsexual or transvestite) who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth)
    • found: LCSH, Apr. 21, 2015(Transgender people)
    • found: Homosaurus, viewed Mar. 11, 2022(Transgender people. UF: Trans people; Transgendered people; Transpeople; Trans-people; Transgender-identified people; Trans-identified people. SN: Broad term for people who do not conform to their gender assigned at birth. Add more specific terms when possible. BTs: Gender minorities; LGBTQ+ people. RTs include: Gender non-conforming people; Transvestites; Cisgender people; Genderqueer people; Crossdressers)
    • found: GSSO - the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology, viewed Mar. 11, 2022(transgender person. An individual who identifies as transgender. A person whose gender identity does not match their gender assigned at birth or a person who otherwise identifies as transgender. Synonym: trans person. Alternate name: transgender persons; transgender people. Subclass of: LGBTQ persons; transgender and gender nonconforming people; persons by gender modality)
    • found: Britannica online, Mar. 11, 2022:transgender (transgender, term self-applied by persons whose gender identity varies from that traditionally associated with their apparent biological sex at birth. In its original and narrower sense, transgender referred to males and females who respectively gender-identify as females and males. In a later and broader sense, it has come to designate persons whose gender identities incorporate behaviours and traits traditionally associated with the opposite sex. Transgender persons may thus include transsexuals, transgenderists (in one usage of the term, persons who gender-identify with the opposite sex but who choose not to undergo sex-reassignment surgery or hormone treatments), and androgynes (biologically or psychologically androgynous persons), among other groups. In its broader sense, transgender is closely related to the more-recent term genderqueer, which is self-applied by persons who are either transgender or who have no gender, a third (neither male nor female) gender, or a fluctuating gender)
    • found: Britannica online, Mar. 11, 2022:genderqueer (genderqueer, identity adopted by individuals who characterize themselves as neither female nor male, as both, or as somewhere in between; Although genderqueer individuals describe and express their identities differently and may or may not consider themselves to be transgender (a general term for people whose gender identity or expression differs from the gender assigned to them at birth), they commonly understand themselves in ways that challenge binary constructions of gender and traditional images of transgender individuals; the term genderqueer challenges gender normativity and the common assumption, even among many transgender people, that everyone is either completely male or completely female)
    • found: International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy (5th : 1996 : Houston, Tex.). Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy, 1996:p. 17 (transgenders) p. 24 (transgendered people) p. 63 (TG people)
    • found: Scientific reports (Nature Publishing Group), v. 11, article 2240 (2021):p. 1 (Transgender (TG) is an umbrella term that describes people who identify with a gender that is incongruent or different from the one assigned to them at birth. Non-binary gender (NBG), on the other hand, is an umbrella term that describes those who feel their gender identity is outside or in between male and female identities, e.g. a person who experiences both identities or neither) p. 2 (TG people) -
  • General Notes

    • People who identify as transgender.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2015-04-21: new
    • 2022-06-21: revised
  • Alternate Formats