The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)


  • Self-published, non-commercial publications that are usually devoted to specialized or unconventional subject matter.
  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Zines
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging, via WWW, July 30, 2014(Zines. Use for independent self-publications, periodical or monographic, usually inexpensively produced and with small circulation, covering any of a wide range of topics. BT Conditions of publication (Gathering term; do not assign). NT Fanzines; Fanzines. Use for independent, self-published periodicals issued by or for enthusiasts of aspects of popular culture and entertainment, usually inexpensively produced and with small circulation. UF Fan magazines. BT Periodicals; Zines)
    • found: Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, July 30, 2014(zine: Derived from "fanzine" (a contraction of "fan magazine"), pronounced "zeen." The term came into use during the 1980s to refer to a small, low-circulation magazine or newspaper, self-published out of passion for the subject rather than for personal gain, usually produced with the aid of desktop publishing software and high-quality photocopy machines. Zines represent the convergence of amateur publishing hobbyists, high school underground newspapers, the literary small press, political radicalism, and do-it-yourself popular culture. They are usually not available by subscription, often appear irregularly or infrequently, and may have a lifetime of only one or two issues. Some are available online via the World Wide Web.)
    • found: Art & architecture thesaurus online, July 30, 2014(fanzines. UF zines. Periodicals for enthusiasts of aspects of popular culture such as pop music, comic books, and other specialized interests, especially science fiction and fantasy works, often inexpensively produced and with small circulation.)
  • General Notes

    • Self-published, non-commercial publications that are usually devoted to specialized or unconventional subject matter.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2014-12-01: new
    • 2015-12-14: revised
  • Alternate Formats