found: His Seelsorge, c1973.
found: Das Wort, das weiterwirkt, 1981 (a.e.)t.p. (Richard Riess) p. 248 (Dr., 43 Jahre, Prof. für Prakt. Theol. an der Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau)
found: Identität im Wandel in Kirche ... c1998:p. 268 (Richard Riess; b. 12-06-37 in Sennfeld/Schweinfurt)
found: wikipedia viewed, Sept. 9, 2021(Richard Riess (born December 6, 1937 in Sennfeld) is a retired professor of practical theology. From 1979 to 2003 he was a professor at the Augustana University in Neuendettelsau. Richard Riess is one of the first to introduce practice-oriented, empirical, personal pastoral training for pastors of the Evangelical Church in Germany (clinical pastoral training)