found: His L'Italia meridionale e l'impero bizantino, 1980:t.p. (Giulio Gay)
found: Bib. nat.(hdg.: Gay, Jules-Marie-Michel; usage: Jules Gay, J. Gay)
found: BLC, 1979(Gay, Jules, professeur à l'Université de Lille)
found: Encic. italiana, 1932(Gay, Jules, b. Strasbourg, 1/14/1867; taught at Lille after 1908)
found: LC data base, 2-21-89(hdg.: Gay, Jules, 1867-; usage: Giulio Gay)
found: Wikipedia, 2 November 2023(Jules Gay; French historian and author; born 12 January 1867 in Strasbourg; died 31 August 1935 in Lille; taught at Unviersity of Lille)
notfound: Dict. de biog. fr., 1981;Grande dict. encyc., 1982.