found: Discours d'ouverture du premier congrès ... 1986?:t.p. (colonel Jean-Baptiste Bagaza)
found: Discours de son excellence le colonel Jean-Baptiste Bagaza, président de la République du Burundi, 1980.
found: Wikipedia, viewed Dec. 29, 2006(Jean-Baptiste Bagaza; b. 1946; president of Burundi, Nov. 2, 1976-Sept. 3, 1987); viewed May 5, 2016 (Nov. 1, 1976-Sept. 3, 1987)
found: Dictionary of African Biography, accessed November 26, 2014, via Oxford African American Studies Center database:(Bagaza, Jean-Baptiste; president; officer personnel; born 1946 in Burundi; studied at École Royale des Cadets in Belgium (1966-1971); appointed adjunct chief of staff for the Burundian army (1972); on 1 November 1976, he overthrew General Michel Micombero; became head of the Supreme Revolutionary Council; restructured the only political party, Union pour le Progrés national (UPRONA; Union for National Progress); the constitution of the Second Republic, adopted by referendum in 1981, resulted in his election to the presidency; Bagaza, was overthrown by Major Pierre Buyoya, on 3 September 1987; he went into exile in Uganda; returned to Burundi following the elections of June 1993; attempted a political return with the creation of Parena (Parti pour le Redressement National); as of 2010 he held a seat for life in the Senate)
found: New York times WWW site, viewed May 5, 2016(in obituary published May 4: Jean-Baptiste Bagaza; b. Aug. 26, 1946, Rutovu; d. Wednesday morning [May 4, 2016], Brussels, aged 69; deposed president of Burundi who invested heavily in infrastructure but persecuted Catholics and did little to make his small, poor, and ethnically fractured country a stable democracy)