found: nuc87-43983: His Alien, 1979(hdg. on MiEM rept.: Goodwin, Archie; usage: Archie Goodwin)
found: Saenz, M. Iron man, c1988:t.p. (Archie Goodwin)
found: Blazing combat, c2009:t.p. (Archie Goodwin) p. 199 (b. Sept. 9, 1937; he sold his first comics script ... in 1957)
found: Wikipedia, website viewed 13 August 2013(Archie Goodwin, b. September 8, 1937, Kansas City, Missouri; d. March 1, 1998, New York City; American artist, penciller, editor; worked on a number of comic strips and comic books; best know for his Warren and Marvel Comics work; known as the best-loved comic book editor ever)