. . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959" . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 _:b010 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "Cody, Sherwin," . _:b010 _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b010 . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "1868-1959" . "1001 $aCody, Sherwin,$d1868-1959" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959" . . . "Sherwin Cody" . . . . . . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959" . . . . "A Selection from the world's great orations illustrative of the history of oratory and the art of public speaking" . . . "Battistella, Edwin L. Do you make these mistakes in English?" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 A selection from the best English essays illustrative of the history of English prose style" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 A selection from the best English essays, illustrative of the history of English prose style" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 A selection from the great English poets" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 A selection from the great English poets" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 A selection from the world's greatest short stories" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 A selection from the world's greatest short stories" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Brief fundamentals" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Brief fundamentals" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Brief fundamentals .." . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Business practice up to date" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Coaching children in English" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Commercial tests and how to use them" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Correspondence practice at Constable's" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 El arte de hacer negocios por carta y por anuncio" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 El arte de vender" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 English for business uses and commercial correspondence .." . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Evenings with great authors" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Exercises in business letter writing" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Exercises in word-study to accompany Sherwin Cody's Word-study" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Exercises on how to do business" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Four American poets" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Four American poets" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Four American poets" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Four famous American writers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Good English from book in business letter writing .." . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Good English quick reference book" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Grammar and punctuation" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Greatest stories, and how they were written" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Habit-forming language practice" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to be a private secretary" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to build a cheap house.." . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to deal with human nature in business" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to deal with human nature in business" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to do business by letter" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to do business by letter and advertising" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to do business by letter and training course in conversational English" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to do business by letter, and advertising" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to do business by letter, and training course in business English composition" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to read and what to read" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to read and what to read" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 How to write fiction, especially the art of short story writing" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Interesting letters, how to write them" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 L'art de faire des affaires par lettre et par annonce" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Letters: writing to get people to do things" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Literary composition" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Literary composition" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 New art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 New art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Pocket cyclopedia of good English" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Problems and principles of correct English" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Selections from the world's greatest short stories" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Sherwin Cody's business ability development course .." . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Standard test English" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Story composition" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Success in letter writing" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Success in letter writing, business and social" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Success in letter writing, business and social" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Teachers' manual to accompany Standard test English" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Teaching letter writing as a composition art" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing & speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The art of writing and speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The Cody system" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The lovers' club" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The new art of writing and speaking the English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The Sherwin Cody 100% self-correcting course in English language" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The Sherwin Cody 100% self-correcting course in English language .." . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The Sherwin Cody 100% self-correcting course in English language. lessons 1-25" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The Sherwin Cody 100% self-correcting course in pronunciation" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The story of Edgar Allan Poe for young readers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The story of Henry W. Longfellow for young readers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The story of John Greenleaf Whittier for young readers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The story of Oliver Wendell Holmes, for young readers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The story of Washington Irving for young readers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 The story of William Cullen Bryant for young readers" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Word-study and business speller, for high schools and business colleges" . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959 Word-study, and 100% business speller" . . . "Jackson, William Marvin Fundamentals of business" . . . "Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Poe--man, poet, and creative thinker" . . . "Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Poe--man, poet, and creative thinker" . . . "Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 The best tales of Edgar Allan Poe" . . . "Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 The best tales of Edgar Allan Poe" . . . "Scott, Walter, 1771-1832 An evening with Scott .." . . . "Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 An evening with Shakespeare" . . . "Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 The merchant of Venice .." . . . . "n 50030014" . "(OCoLC)oca00065386" . _:b413iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b413iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b413iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "1980-06-13T00:00:00"^^ . _:b413iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "new"^^ . _:b413iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b413iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b421iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b421iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b421iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "2009-02-06T07:13:51"^^ . _:b421iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "revised"^^ . _:b421iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b421iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959" . . . . "Cody, Sherwin, 1868-1959" . . . "Sherwin Cody" . . _:b444iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b444iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b444iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b444iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b444iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "1980-06-13T00:00:00"^^ . _:b444iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "new"^^ . _:b452iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b452iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b452iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b452iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 . _:b452iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "2009-02-06T07:13:51"^^ . _:b452iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiesnamesn50030014 "revised"^^ .