found: Gokhberg, I. T︠S︡. Matrix polynomials, 1982 (a.e.)CIP t.p. (L. Rodman; Dept. of Math. and Statistics, Univ. of Calgary)
found: Gohberg, I. Matrices and indefinite scalar products, 1983:CIP t.p. (L. Rodman, Schl. of Math. Sciences, Tel-Aviv Univ., Ramat-Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel) CIP data sheet (Rodman, Leiba; b. 4-10-49)
found: His An introduction to operator polynomials, 1989:CIP t.p. (Leiba Rodman) data sheet (b. 6/9/49)
found: Phone call to author, 3/27/89(Leiba Rodman; correct d. of b., 6/9/49; Coll. of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.)