found: Sydney morning herald WWW site, viewed July 9, 2019(Roger Covell: 1931 - 2019. Writer, musicologist and senior music critic for The [S]ydney Morning Herald, Roger Covell documented some of the most significant developments in Australian classical music of the 20th century. Roger Covell was born in Sydney. After graduation he worked in Britain as an actor and with the BBC before returning to Brisbane in 1955 where he became known as a reviewer of books, music and theatre. Covell moved to Sydney in 1960 to become music and drama critic for the Herald. In 1966, Covell was invited by the then vice-chancellor of the University of New South Wales, Sir Phillip Baxter to create a music unit. In 1968 he found[ed] UNSW Opera. In 1980, together with clarinetist Murray Khouri, he founded the University of New South Wales Ensemble, subsequently The Australia Ensemble)