found: Collins, A. Cognitive apprenticeship, 1987:(John Seely Brown; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Ill.)
found: OCLC 3579487:(Brown, John Seely)
found: The social life of information, 2000:CIP t.p. (John Seely Brown) data sheet (b. 04-24-40)
found: To dream the invisible dream [VR] c1999:on-screen caption (John Seely Brown, Chief Scientist, Xerox Corporation, and Director, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center; speaker)
found: Intelligent tutoring systems, 1982:t.p. (J.S. Brown, Cognitive and Instructional Sci., Xerox Parc, USA) p. v (Palo Alto, Calif.)
found: GPO manual bibliographic card(John S. Brown, [publication date: 1972])