found: WaU catalog, Oct. 31, 2002(hdg.: Olympus, Mount, Wash.)
found: GNIS, Oct. 31, 2002(Olympus, Mount, summit, elev. 7969', Wash., Jefferson Co., 47⁰48ʹ00ʺN 123⁰42ʹ19ʺW)
found: Washington place names database, via WWW, Oct. 31, 2002(Mount Olympus (T. 2 7 N, R. 8 W.) - Mount Olympus is a peak in the Olympic National Park with an elevation of 9,965 feet at the summit of the Olympic Mountains in north central Jefferson County. It is the highest peak in the Olympic Range and there are actually two peaks, East and West. The Indian name was Sunh-a-do.)
found: Columbia gaz. of No. Amer., via WWW, Oct. 31, 2002(in entry for Olympic Mountains: Mt. Olympus (7,965 ft/2,427 m) is the highest point in the mts.)
found: GNISsummit; 47°48ʹ00ʺN 123°42ʹ19ʺW