found: Biebuyck, D. African ethnonyms. 1996:p.49 (Beti (Cameroun), var. Betsi. note: Bantu language; a collective term for the northern Fang, sometimes including Fang, Ewondo, Bane, Bulu, and others.; p. 83 Ewondo (Cameroun), var.. Jaunde, Yaounde, Yaunde;note: Bantu language; sometimes referred to as Northern Fang)
found: Ethnologue. 13th ed. Internet ed.:under Cameroon (Beti (2,000,000 including Fang, Ewondo, Bulu, Mengisa, etc.). Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Northwest, A, Yaunde-Fang (A.70). Consists of a set of 'languages' (Bebele, Bebil, Bulu, Eton, Ewondo, Fang, Mengisa) which are partially intelligible but ethnically distinct. Different from Bette-Bende of Nigeria or the Bete languages of Côte d'Ivoire; under Cameroon:Ewondo (Ewundu, Jaunde, Yaounde, Yaunde) Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Northwest, A, Yaunde-Fang It is intelligible with Bulu, Eton, and Fang as part of the Beti language.