found: Work cat: Toledo Ramos, E.J. Recetario con platillos a base de malanga, 2019:t.p. ([cataloger's translation] Cookbook with recipes based on malanga) p. 4 of cover (malanga (Xanthosoma sagittifolium)) (DLC)2020367408
found: ITIS, viewed Sept. 15, 2020(Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott; synonyms: Xanthosoma atrovirens K. Koch & Bouché, Xanthosoma nigrum (Vell.) Stellfeld; common name: Arrowleaf elephant's ear)
found: Feedipedia,via WWW, viewed Sept.17, 2020(Malanga (Xanthosoma sagittifolium); common names: new cocoyam, tania, yautia [and others probably not limited to English-language sources]; synonyms: Arum sagittifolium L., Caladium sagittifolium (L.) Vent.)
found: Herbst, S.T. Deluxe food lover's companion, 2015, via WWW, viewed Sept. 15, 2020(malanga; málanga: A large, dense, and starchy potatolike tuber belonging to the same family as the TARO ROOT. There are several varieties of malanga, which is also known as new cocoyam, tannia, and yautia)
found: Merriam-Webster unabridged, via WWW, viewed Sept.17, 2020(Malanga, noun, plural -s: (1) taro; (2) yautia. Tania, noun, or tanier or tannia or tannier or tanya also tanyah, plural -s: any of several aroids having edible farinaceous roots: such as (a) : taro 1; (b): yautia a. Yautia, noun, plural -s: any of several aroids chiefly of tropical America or their starchy edible tubers that are cooked and eaten like yams or potatoes: such as (a): plant of the genus Xanthosoma (especially X. sagittifolium)--called also spoonflower; (b): taro)
found: National Agricultural Library WWW site, viewed Sept. 15, 2020:NAL thesaurus (controlled term: Xanthosoma sagittifolium; UF tanias)
found: PubMed, viewed Sept. 17, 2020(in title of article abstracted from Annals of nutrition and metabolism, 2004: malanga (Xanthosoma sagittifolium))