found: Work cat.: Brookfield, S. Developing critical thinkers : challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting, c1987.
found: Penguin dict. psych.("Cognitive strategy consisting mainly of continual checking and testing of possible solutions to guide one's work ... often contrasted w/ Creative thinking")
found: Hennepin(Critical thinking, Critical thinking--Study and teaching)
found: ERIC thes.(Critical thinking)
found: Homan, A.M. Constructing knowledge through reflection, c2006:p. 7-9 (some educators seem adamant that reflective learning is not to be confused with critical reflection; for the purpose of this paper, the terms reflective learning and critical reflection are used interchangeably, linked by the concept of learning through inquiry that higher-order thinking invites)
found: Australian thesaurus of education descriptors, via WWW, Mar. 26, 2007(Critical thinking; a way of reasoning that involves active, reflective and conscious consideration in the forming of a belief, judgment or decision; UFs used: critical reflection, reflection, reflection process, reflective thinking)
found: CDC Coffee-break: Evaluative thinking, 2018(Evaluative thinking is defined as critical thinking applied in the context of evaluation, motivated by an attitude of inquisitiveness and a belief in the value of evidence, that involves identifying assumptions, posing thoughtful questions, pursuing deeper understanding through reflection and perspective taking, and informing decisions in preparation for action)
notfound: Evans psych.;Chaplin dict. psych.;Eysenck encycl. psych.;Thesaurus psych. ind. terms;Psych. abstracts;English comp. dict. psycho. & psychoa. terms