. . "Missions--Periodicals"@en . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 _:b015 . . . "Missions"@en . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "Missions"@en . _:b015 . _:b015 . . . "Periodicals"@en . _:b20iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b20iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 _:b21iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b20iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b21iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b21iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "Periodicals"@en . "150 $aMissions$vPeriodicals" . . . . . "Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift" . . . "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Annual report" . . . "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Annual report to the churches" . . . "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Report of the ... year of work of the American Board" . . . "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Meeting. Annual report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions" . . . "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Meeting. Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions" . . . "Asian missions advance" . . . "Berliner missionsberichte" . . . "Berliner missionsgesellschaft Jahresbericht" . . . "Brethren missionary herald" . . . "Central Africa" . . . "Christian world facts .." . . . "CommissionStories" . . . "Congo mission news" . . . "Conquest by healing" . . . "Das Wort in der Welt" . . . "Dharma deepika" . . . "Die Weltmission" . . . "Die Weltmission" . . . "Eco de Africa y de otros continentes" . . . "Eine Welt" . . . "Evangelical missions quarterly" . . . "Evangeliet til verden" . . . "Evangelische Mission Jahrbuch" . . . "Foreign Missions Conference of North America. Committee of Reference and Counsel. Foreign missions year book of North America 1919-" . . . "GlobeServe journal of missions" . . . "Gospel in context" . . . "Grands lacs" . . . "Home mission monthly" . . . "Horizons" . . . "Hosianna" . . . "Indian missiological review" . . . "International bulletin of missionary research" . . . "International review of missions" . . . "Ishvani documentation and mission digest" . . . "Jahrbuch evangelischer Mission" . . . "Jahrbuch Mission" . . . "Journal of evangelism and missions" . . . "Kontinente" . . . "London Missionary Society The chronicle" . . . "Misiones extranjeras" . . . "Missão" . . . "Missio apostolica" . . . "Missiology" . . . "Mission studies" . . . "Mission today" . . . "Mission today" . . . "Mission und lebendige kirche" . . . "Missions & missionaries" . . . "Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft" . . . "Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft" . . . "Monthly extracts from the correspondence" . . . "Moody Bible Institute monthly" . . . "Nordisk mission-tidsskrift" . . . "Occasional bulletin of missionary research" . . . "Presbyterian survey" . . . "Presbyterians today" . . . "SIM now" . . . "Social sciences and missions" . . . "Speaking out" . . . "Strategies for today's leader" . . . "Studia missionalia" . . . "Svensk missionstidskrift" . . . "The Christian" . . . "The Christian workers magazine" . . . "The Evangelical and literary magazine, and missionary chronicle" . . . "The Evangelical monitor" . . . "The foreign missionary" . . . "The gospel call" . . . "The Gospel message" . . . "The Great commission handbook" . . . "The institute tie" . . . "The Japan Christian quarterly" . . . "The Japan Christian review" . . . "The Korea missions year book" . . . "The Student volunteer" . . . "The Word in the world" . . . "Tidings from Spain" . . . "Together" . . . "Truett journal of church and mission" . . . "United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel The USPG review" . . . "Unreached peoples" . . . "World comrades" . . . "World Council of Churches Resource sharing book" . . . "World encounter" . . . "World outlook" . . . "World vision" . . . "World vision" . . . "World vision magazine" . . . "Worldmission" . . . "WSCF journal" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft" . . . "Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft" . . "[Record generated for validation purposes.]" . "sh2008107876" . . . _:b435iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b435iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b435iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "found" . _:b435iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "Work cat.: Dharma deepika, 1995-" . _:b441iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b441iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b441iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "2008-03-04T00:00:00"^^ . _:b441iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "new"^^ . _:b441iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b441iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b449iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b449iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b449iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "2008-03-05T08:02:35"^^ . _:b449iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "revised"^^ . _:b449iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b449iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . . "Missions--Periodicals"@en . "[Record generated for validation purposes.]" . . _:b463iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b463iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b463iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b463iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b463iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "2008-03-04T00:00:00"^^ . _:b463iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "new"^^ . _:b471iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b471iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b471iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b471iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 . _:b471iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "2008-03-05T08:02:35"^^ . _:b471iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008107876 "revised"^^ .