. . "Germany--Foreign relations--Czechoslovakia"@en . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 _:b015 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 "Germany"@en . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 "Germany"@en . _:b015 . _:b015 _:b023 . . . 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"Germany--Foreign relations--Czechoslovakia"@en . "[Record generated for validation purposes.]" . . _:b467iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b467iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b467iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b467iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b467iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 "2008-03-14T00:00:00"^^ . _:b467iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 "new"^^ . _:b475iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b475iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b475iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b475iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 . _:b475iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 "2008-03-15T08:09:52"^^ . _:b475iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2008115181 "revised"^^ .