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Semantic memory

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  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Netson, K.L. Characterizing semantic memory in mild cognitive impairment, 2008:p. 5 (Semantic memory; characterized as information that is generic and common across individuals within a society, generalizable to similar concepts, abstract and temporally non-specific, and acquired, to a large degree, early in life)
    • found: Neuropsychology and behavioral neurology, 2008:p. 185 (Semantic memory; can be defined as referring to knowledge of language, concepts, and facts which do not have a specific time or location; they may once have been learned at a particular time and place, but those contextual aspects are not retained)
    • found: Current opinion in neurobiology, Apr. 1, 2001:p. 194 (The domain of semantic memory consists of stored information about the features and attributes that define concepts and the processes that allow us to efficiently retrieve, act upon and produce this information in the service of thought and language)
    • found: Revista de psiquiatria clĂ­nica, v. 34, no. 6 (2007):p. 261 (Semantic memory; consists in the ability of establishing knowledge of the world, including facts, concepts, and vocabulary, which are exempt of spatial and temporal reference, defining therefore the knowledge or culture, or even the competences of the subject; the organization of this type of memory occurs in the absence of a temporal reference or specific context and refers to the information whose recollection has little or no relation to the personal history of the subject)
    • found: American journal of Alzheimers disease and other dementias, Nov. 2010:p. 577 (Semantic memory; is a division of declarative memory that includes knowledge about the meaning of objects and words)
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  • Change Notes

    • 2011-02-23: new
    • 2013-07-26: revised
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