. . "Rape culture"@en . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b8iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Rape culture"@en . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Rape-supportive culture"@en . _:b11iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 _:b16iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b16iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 _:b17iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b16iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b17iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b17iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Rape-supportive culture"@en . "150 $aRape culture" . . . "rape culture" . . . . "Culture"@en . _:b31iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b31iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 _:b32iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b31iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b32iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b32iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Culture"@en . . . "Culture du viol"@fr . . . "Rape culture" . . . . . . "DeKeseredy, Walter S., 1959- Skating on thin ice" . . . "Gómez, Jennifer M. The cultural betrayal of Black women and girls" . . . "Gómez, Jennifer M. The cultural betrayal of Black women and girls" . . . "Le viol, un crime contre l'humanité de l'autre" . . . "MacKenzie, Megan H. (Megan Hazel) Good soldiers don't rape" . . . "Priulla, Graziella Violate" . . . "Ralston, Meredith L. Slut-shaming, whorephobia, and the unfinished sexual revolution" . . "Here are entered works on the aggregate of learned, socially transmitted cognitive and behavior patterns that normalize sexual exploitation, sexual aggression, and sexual violence." . "sh2019103596" . . . _:b81iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b81iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b81iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Work cat: Fanghanel, A. Disrupting rape culture : public space, sexuality and revolt, [2019]" . _:b81iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(summary: \"Despite the rise in research and public awareness about rape culture and gendered violence, it remains a serious problem. Using case studies from the US and UK this book explains how it happens, what it means and how it can be contested\") p.10 (\"Because it sustains the heteronormative organisation of social life, rape culture also sustains (and is sustained by) other oppressions along ethnocentric, ableist, classist, speciest lines. It is also why rape culture affects everyone\") p.11 (\"rape culture saturates all these areas of life ... to normalise the sexual exploitation of, and violence against, women\") p.12 (\"victim-blaming is a facet of rape culture\")"@en . _:b81iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b89iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b89iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b89iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Aiken, L. Rape culture : the correlation between adherence to traditional gender roles, internalized misogyny and rape myth acceptance in women ages 18-20, [2019]" . _:b89iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(summary: \"'rape culture,' a culture that normalizes sexual violence and aggression towards women. Victims of sexual assault and harassment are marginalized within society and the judicial system within this culture. Accounts of sexual assault are doubted if they do not adhere to traditional gender roles and responsibility can be placed on the victim\"; \"Men using aggression and deception without the consent of their partner is normalized. Internalized misogyny occurs when a woman adopts sexist thoughts and behaviors and applies them to herself and other women, normalizing rape myths\")"@en . _:b89iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b97iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b97iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b97iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Mendes, K. Digital feminist activism : girls and women fight back against rape culture, [2019]" . _:b97iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(examines \"popular feminist movements such as #MeToo, which harness new technologies to challenge rape culture\", and the spread of information and discussions about rape culture through social media)"@en . _:b97iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b105iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b105iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b105iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Gaskin, L. Rape culture : power, profit, punishment, [2019]" . _:b105iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(summary: \"Rape culture is a structure and an institution rooted in power, profit, and punishment and works to oppress the lives of certain groups\"; \"Rape culture's purpose is to control populations through social codes and enforcement, using forms of identity as markers for punishment\"; \"Power is a key aspect of rape culture, just as it is in acts of rape and sexual assault. The biggest difference between the act and a culture of rape is the overarching presence of permissiveness and acceptance in American society and the ability to overlook predominate structures that enable and celebrate sexual violence\")"@en . _:b105iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b113iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b113iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b113iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Transforming a rape culture, [1993]" . _:b113iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(summary: \"a rape culture is a society that accepts sexual violence as the norm\")"@en . _:b113iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b121iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b121iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b121iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Welke, T. Women's experiences of oppression in rape-supportive culture, [2006]" . _:b121iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b127iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b127iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b127iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Bronson, J. Changing our rape supportive culture : challenging rape myth acceptance, [1998]" . _:b127iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b133iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b133iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b133iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Rape culture, via Marshall University Women's Center website, viewed Dec. 18, 2019" . _:b133iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(\"Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women's bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women's rights and safety\"; examples of rape culture include \"blaming the victim...; trivializing sexual assault...; sexually explicit jokes; tolerance of sexual harassment; inflating false rape report statistics; publicly scrutinizing a victim's dress, mental state, motives, and history; gratuitous gendered violence in movies and television; defining 'manhood' as dominant and sexually aggressive; defining 'womanhood' as submissive and sexually passive; pressure on men to 'score'; pressure on women to not appear 'cold'; assuming only promiscuous women get raped; assuming that men don't get raped or that only 'weak' men get raped; refusing to take rape accusations seriously; teaching women to avoid getting raped instead of teaching men not to rape\")"@en . _:b133iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b141iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b141iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b141iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Denton, M. Rape culture : how can we end it?, [2017]:" . _:b141iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "p.28 (\"rape culture is something that affects everyone. Although the conversation generally focuses on women, men can be victims of sexual assault as well,\" and generally receive little to no public and law enforcement support) p.29 (rape culture also affects community support for \"the LGBT+ community,\" transgender people and people of color, all of whom have elevated risks of sexual assault and abuse)"@en . _:b141iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b149iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b149iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b149iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Keyser, A. No more excuses : dismantling rape culture, [2019]:" . _:b149iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "p.14 (\"The language for this discussion ... focuses on heterosexual sexual violence (men assaulting women) because rape culture is built on false beliefs about what defines a man and the way he should interact with women. However, the framework for this book acknowledges that gender is fluid and that sexual violence perpetrated against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and other (LGBTQ+) peoples is a real and significant problem. To truly dismantle rape culture and create a world free from gender-based violence, definitions of masculinity and femininity must move beyond the gender binary\")"@en . _:b149iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b157iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b157iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b157iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Wilz, K. Resisting rape culture through pop culture : sex after #MeToo, [2019]:" . _:b157iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "p.16 (\"It is always important, too, to highlight the ways in which white women enable or reinforce rape culture as it extends to broader implications of a patriarchal society. Perhaps the biggest omission in this book ... are discussions of rape culture as it affects transwomen and members of the LGBTQ+ community\")"@en . _:b157iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b165iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b165iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b165iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Eisner, S. Bi : notes for a bisexual revolution, [2013]:" . _:b165iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "p.45 (\"culture of rape\"; \"rape culture\")"@en . _:b165iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b173iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b173iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b173iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Paulk, L. Sexual assault in the LGBT community, Apr. 30, 2014, via National Center for Lesbian Rights website, viewed Dec. 19, 2019" . _:b173iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(\"populations that are hypersexualized by society, including people of color and the LGBT community, are victimized by a rape culture that tells those assaulted they are responsible for their sexual assaults. This same phenomenon is particularly exacerbated for women of color and indigenous women, who experience the highest rates of sexual assault\")"@en . _:b173iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b181iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b181iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b181iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "What is rape culture?, via WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre website, viewed Dec. 20, 2019" . _:b181iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(\"term coined by feminists in the United States in the 1970s. It was designed to show the ways in which society blamed victims of sexual assault and normalized sexual violence\"; \"Rape culture impacts all marginalized genders, including all trans, nonbinary, and Two-Spirit folks\"; \"rape culture is the images, language, laws and other everyday phenomena that we see and hear everyday that validate and perpetuate rape. Rape culture includes jokes, TV, music, advertising, legal jargon, laws, words and imagery that make violence ... and sexual coercion seem so normal that people believe rape is inevitable\")"@en . _:b181iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b189iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b189iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b189iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "What is sexual violence?, via SACHA Sexual Assault Centre website, viewed Dec. 20, 2019" . _:b189iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "(\"Sexual violence is perpetuated by a rape culture, a system of attitudes, beliefs, messages, inequities and acts that support sexual aggression and violence\")"@en . _:b189iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "found" . _:b197iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b197iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b197iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "2019-12-18T00:00:00"^^ . _:b197iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "new"^^ . _:b197iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b197iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b205iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b205iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b205iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "2020-04-16T14:33:39"^^ . _:b205iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "revised"^^ . _:b205iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b205iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . . "Rape culture"@en . _:b216iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b216iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b216iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "Rape-supportive culture"@en . . . "Culture"@en . . . "rape culture" . . . "Culture du viol"@fr . . . "Rape culture" . "Here are entered works on the aggregate of learned, socially transmitted cognitive and behavior patterns that normalize sexual exploitation, sexual aggression, and sexual violence." . . "Rape-supportive culture"@en . _:b246iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b246iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b246iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b246iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b246iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "2019-12-18T00:00:00"^^ . _:b246iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "new"^^ . _:b254iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b254iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b254iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b254iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 . _:b254iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "2020-04-16T14:33:39"^^ . _:b254iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh2019103596 "revised"^^ .