. . "Commercial products--Classification"@en . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b7iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 _:b015 . . . "Commercial products"@en . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b13iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "Commercial products"@en . _:b015 . _:b015 . . . "Classification"@en . _:b20iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b20iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 _:b21iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b20iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b21iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b21iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "Classification"@en . 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"Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo hai guan zong shu shang pin gui lei jue ding hui bian" . . "sh 85028955" . . . _:b458iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b458iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b458iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "1986-02-11T00:00:00"^^ . _:b458iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "new"^^ . _:b458iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b465iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b465iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b465iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "2006-03-21T10:49:54"^^ . _:b465iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "revised"^^ . _:b465iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . . "Commercial products--Classification"@en . . . "Tariff--Terminology and classification"@en . . . "Classification des produits commerciaux"@fr . . . "Mercancías--Clasificación"@es . . . "Warenklassifikation" . . . "商品分類" . . _:b501iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b501iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b501iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b501iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b501iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "1986-02-11T00:00:00"^^ . _:b501iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "new"^^ . _:b509iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b509iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b509iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b509iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 . _:b509iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "2006-03-21T10:49:54"^^ . _:b509iddOtlocdOtgovauthoritiessubjectssh85028955 "revised"^^ .