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Bibframe Hub

Spi︠a︡shchai︠a︡ krasavit︠s︡a. Selections
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Suite from Sleeping beauty
Sleeping beauty suite
Suite from the ballet Sleeping beauty
Suites, orchestra, op. 66
Ballet suites
Aurora's wedding
Suite from The sleeping beauty
Ballet suite, op. 66
Identified By
Lccn: n85076474
Local: n 85076474
Data source: label (Sleeping beauty : op. 66 : suite) container (Suite from the ballet Sleeping beauty; Swan lake and Sleeping beauty suites)
Data source: container (reduced version of Sleeping Beauty devised by Serge Diaghilev in 1922; consists mostly of music from Act III)
Data source: (234; The sleeping beauty = Spiashchaia krasavitsa; projected suite from the ballet, (op. 66a); Tchaikovsky originally considered assembling a suite from the ballet, but could not make up his mind and nothing was published in his lifetime. In 1899, Iurgenson issued a suite of five numbers from the ballet as 'op. 66a'; it seems likely that this compilation was made by Aleksandr Ziloti)
Description source: Created from auth.
Authorized Access Point
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 1840-1893 Spi︠a︡shchai︠a︡ krasavit︠s︡a. Selections