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Bibframe Hub

33 1/3
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
33 1/3 (Series)
Thirty three and a third (Series)
Thirty-three and one-third (Series)
Genre Form
Series (Publications) (LCSH)
Monographic series (LCSH)
Identified By
Lccn: n2003073262
Identifier: 182808269 (Source: viaf)
OclcNumber: oca06028909
data source: ECIP t.p. (33 1/3) ECIP data (Thirty three and a third is a new series of short books about critically acclaimed and much-loved albums of the last 40 years)
data source: title page (33 1/3) spint (33 1/3, 1)
data source: title page (33 1/3) spine (33 1/3, 103)
data source: title page (33 1/3) unnumbered?
data source: about 33 1/3 series page (33 1/3 series, published by Bloomsbury; Short books about albums)
data not found: ISNI, 26 January 2018
description source: Email from publisher, Sept. 9, 2004: numbers on book spine indicate the order of printing, no need to record as in numbered series
description source: Created from auth.
Could not render: bf:electronicLocator
Origin Date(s)
Authorized Access Point
33 1/3