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Bibframe Hub

Symphonies, no. 6, E minor
Notated Music
Identified By
Lccn: no97074068
Lccn: no98040434(canceled or invalid)
Lccn: no00055153(canceled or invalid)
OclcNumber: oca04557471
Data source: LCCN 82-760404: Vaughan Williams, R. Symphony no. 6 in E minor ; Prelude and fugue in C minor, p1980
Data source: (Symphony no. 6, e, 1944-7, rev. 1950)
Description source: Machine-derived authority record.
Description source: Created from auth.
Music Serial Number
no. 6
Music Key
E minor
Music Key
E minor
Authorized Access Point
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958 Symphonies, no. 6, E minor. no. 6