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Bibframe Hub

Symphonies, string orchestra, J. 14, D major
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Overtures, string orchestra, J. 14, D major
Notated Music
Identified By
Lccn: no2008063408
OclcNumber: oca07747343
data source: container (Avertura, Re maggiore, JC 14)
data source: (No. 14. Symphonies: D major: 2 vn, va, b; date: before c. 1742; title in ms. source: Avertura)
description source: Created from auth.
Music Medium
string orchestra
Could not render: bflc:readMarc382
Music Thematic Number
J. 14
Music Key
D major
Music Key
D major
Authorized Access Point
Sammartini, Giovanni Battista, 1700 or 1701-1775 Symphonies, string orchestra, J. 14, D major. J. 14