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Bibframe Hub

Fantasien, piano, mixed voices, orchestra, op. 80, C minor
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Fantasia, piano, mixed voices & orchestra, op. 80, C minor
Choral fantasia
Choral fantasy
Phantasien, piano, mixed voices, orchestra, op. 80, C minor
Fantaisie chorale
Fantasia corale
Fantasía coral
Notated Music
Identified By
Lccn: n82153059
Local: oca00849070 (assigner)
Data source: label (Chorfantasie : op. 80) insert (Fantasie für Klavier, Chor und Orchester c-Moll op. 80 : "Chorfantasie")
Data source: (op. 80. Fantasie (c-Moll) für Klavier, Chor und Orchester; 1st ed. title: Fantasie für das Pianoforte mit Begleitung des ganzen Orchesters und Chor)
Description source: Class in M1010; assign subject headings: 1. Piano with orchestra. 2. Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices) with orchestra
Description source: Created from auth.
Music Medium
piano, mixed voices, orchestra
Could not render: bflc:readMarc382
Music Opus Number
op. 80
Music Key
C minor
Music Key
C minor
Authorized Access Point
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 Fantasien, piano, mixed voices, orchestra, op. 80, C minor