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Bibframe Hub

Harvard historical studies
Genre Form
Series (Publications) (LCSH)
Identified By
Lccn: n42012387
Lccn: n42012388(canceled or invalid)
Lccn: n86725021(canceled or invalid)
OclcNumber: oca00011701
data source: Carey, John A., 1949- Judicial reform in France before the Revolution of 1789, 1982
data source: Photo-offset reprint/Hemmeon, M. de W. Burgage tenure in mediaeval England, 1986
data source: Photo-offset reprint/David, C.W. Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, 1982
data source: Photo-offset reprint/Schorske, C.E. German social democracy, 1905-1917, c1983
data source: CIP ser. t.p. (Harvard historical studies) bk. ser. t.p. (Harvard historical studies [number not given])
description source: Created from auth.
Place of Origin
Cambridge (Mass.)
Authorized Access Point
Harvard historical studies