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Bibframe Instance

Henri Cartier-Bresson scrapbook: photographs 1932-1946
Identified By
Lccn: 2007390577
Nbn: GBA668106 (Source: British national bibliographybnb)
Local: 013527011 (Source: )
Isbn: 050054333X
Isbn: 9780500543337
Local: NYCGQ6171222-B (assigner)
Supplementary Content
Includes bibliographical references
physical details: ill.
"Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Le scrapbook d'Henri Cartier Bresson" at the Fondation HCB, Paris, September 21-December 23, 2006, and "Henri Cartier-Bresson's scrapbook" at the International Center of Photography, New York, January 19-April 29, 2007"--T.p. verso.
33 cm
262 p.
Provision Activity
Publication: England 2007
Publication: London: Thames & Hudson, 2007
Responsibility Statement
Henri Cartier-Bresson ; [translated from the French by Miriam Rosen]
single unit