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Bibframe Instance

Sūkṣmāgamaḥ: Sūkṣmāgama
Identified By
Lccn: 2010325463
Isbn: 9788184701814 (v. 1)
Isbn: 9782855391052
Isbn: 9788184701906 (v. 2)
Isbn: 9788184702187 (v. 3)
Isbn: 9782855392240 (v. 3)
LcOverseasAcq: I-San-2010-325463; 04
Vol. 2-: edited by S. Sambandhasivacarya, B. Dagens, M.L. Barazer-Billoret and T. Ganesan with the collaboration of J.M. Creismeas
"This work was supported by a grant of Region lle de France (Programme ARCUS Inde)."
25 cm
v. <1-3>
Provision Activity
Publication: India 2010/9999
Publication: Pondichery: Institut Francais De Pondicherry, 2010-<2018>
Responsibility Statement
critical edition [by] S. Sambandhaśivācārya and T. Ganesan
single unit
Acquisition Source
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office