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Bibframe Instance

Dioscoridis libri octo Graece et Latine: castigationes in eosdem libros
Identified By
Lccn: 2013656272
OclcNumber: ocm09244880
Local: 2231045R (Source: United States, National Library of MedicineDNLMdnlmUS-dnlm)
OclcNumber: 9244880
Edited by Jacques Goupyl
Colophon: Excudebat Benedictus Prevost ... mense Augusto, 1549.
Signatures: 2a-2b⁸ 2c⁴ a-z⁸ A-2C⁸
Printed in parallel columns of Greek and Latin
Variant edition has imprint: "Parisiis, Impensis viduae Arnoldi Birkmanni, 1549."
Book 6 contains the De venenis; books 7-8 the De venenatis animalibus
The Notha are printed following the text
Includes indexes
18 cm (8vo)
[20], 392 leaves
Provision Activity
Publication: France 1549
Publication: Parisiis: Apud Petrum Haultinum ..., 1549
single unit