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Bibframe Instance

The necropolis of Ancon in Peru: a contribution to our knowledge of the culture and industries of the empire of the Incas
Identified By
Lccn: 03012498
OclcNumber: 3737502
physical details: 119 (i.e. 141) pl. (133 col.; incl. plan)
In portfolios
Vol. 3: With the cooperation of L. Wittmack--R. Virchow--A. Nehring
52 x 39 cm
3 v.
Provision Activity
Publication: Germany 1880/1887
Publication: Berlin: A. Asher & Co, 1880-87
Responsibility Statement
being the results of excavations made on the spot by W. Reiss and A. Stübel; tr. by Professor A.H. Keane ... with the aid of the general administration of the Royal museums of Berlin
single unit