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Bibframe Work

Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States (Lawyers' ed. Print)
United States Supreme Court reports annotated (Binder's title, bk. 92-100)
Geographic Coverage
LCC: KF101 .A313 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
LCC: KA90 .L3
DDC: 348.11 abridged (Assigner: dlc)
Identified By
Issn: 2687-9255 (Assigner: 1)
Script: Latin
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The early years of the reports have been reissued in several editions. Books 1-44, published from 1882-1900 as: Reports of cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, and: Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States (Complete ed.); bk. 1-43, published 1901 as: Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States (Lawyers' ed., second ed.); bk. 1-60 published from 1917-1920 as: Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States (Lawyers' ed., Rose's notes ed.).
Authorized Access Point
Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States