The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

The Burglar's baby
Moving Image
Unemployment--Drama (LCSH)
Poverty--Drama (LCSH)
Burglary--Drama (LCSH)
Charity--Drama (LCSH)
Genre Form
Motion pictures (LCGFT)
Shorts (MIM)
Melodrama (MIM)
LCC: FEB 7958 (ref print) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
LCC: FPD 7337 (dupe neg) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
Bill Slade, an ironworker with a wife and child, loses his job. He tries many ways to keep his family fed, even applying for charity. When all else fails, he burglarizes the house of a Dr. King. The doctor surprises Bill during the robbery, and gets a good look at him before he gets away. Finally the mills reopen and Bill is rehired. Unfortunately, the Slade baby, is taken suddenly ill. The doctor who is called is none other than Dr. King. He recognizes Bill, but upon hearing his sad story, forgives him, saves the baby and befriends the family forever
Authorized Access Point
The Burglar's baby