The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Her shattered idol
Moving Image
Marriage--Drama (LCSH)
Pride and vanity--Drama (LCSH)
Social classes--Drama (LCSH)
LCC: FEB 8895 (ref print) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
LCC: FPE 3894 (dupe neg) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
In this farce, Mae Marsh, playing the rich young ward of Spottiswoode Aitken, is happily engaged to his nephew, played by Robert Harron. A union of young hearts is about to take place when the wandering eyes of Mae become fixed on blacksmith Elmo Lincoln, a young giant of physical strength and a clod. Uncle Spottiswoode intervenes with a shrewd plan. Far from offering any objection to the blacksmith, the amiable guardian invites him to become an honored guest at the house and gives a party to celebrate the misalliance. The gradual disillusionment of Mae follows--she becomes completely disenchanted by an intimate view of her prospective husband and plans for her marriage to her first choice. The cave man broods over his sudden fall from grace, hires a horse and runabout, visits the scene of the wedding and actually carries off the bride.
Authorized Access Point
Her shattered idol