The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Le rosier miraculeux
Moving Image
Méliès, Georges, 1861-1938 (direction production)
Star-film (Contributor)
Brahmans--Drama (LCSH)
Magicians--Drama (LCSH)
Women dancers--Drama (LCSH)
Roses--Drama (LCSH)
Silent films (LCSH)
Genre Form
Motion pictures (LCGFT)
Trick films (MIM)
Shorts (MIM)
LCC: FEB 6887 (ref print) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
LCC: FPE 1248 (dupe neg) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
The Brahmin, Iftikar, who enjoys a great reputation in India, has determined to make a creation which shall place the seal upon his renown. He sows some seeds upon the carpet, prostrates himself, and in the course of his invocations, in less than an instant, the grains germinate. A small rosebush grows and produces beautiful roses. Aided by his servant, the Brahmin makes of them a magnificent bouquet, which is changed into a single enormous rose. The flower spreads out its petals and from its centre there darts forth a young and lovely woman, whom the Brahmin strives to embrace. But she eludes him and dances a fascinating serpentine dance. She disappears and the rosebush resumes its place. Iftikar destroys the rosebush and he confesses himself conquered for he has been able to create but not to preserve.
Authorized Access Point
Le rosier miraculeux