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Bibframe Work

5th Annual Domitor Conference
Silent films--History and criticism--Congresses (LCSH)
Sound motion pictures--History--Congresses (LCSH)
Motion pictures--History--Congresses (LCSH)
Cinematography--History--Congresses (LCSH)
LCC: RGA 6414-6418 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
spoken word (spw)
Proceedings of day three of the 5th Annual Domitor Conference, the international association dedicated to the study of early cinema. June 1 proceedings were not recorded. June 2, 4, 5 are cataloged on separate records.
Table Of Contents
Sound practices in early exhibition (North America) (moderator, Tom Gunning) : Sleighbells and mandolins / Gregory Waller ; That most American of attractions, the illustrated song / Richard Abel ; The Edison 'music cues' of 1909-1911 what did they mean, and how were they used? / Martin Marks ; Aural gratification for Kalem Pictures / Herbert Reynolds ; Discussion
Sound and ethnicity (North America) (moderator, Lea Jacobs) : Sounds of blackness: African-American dialect in the context of early cinema / Corey Creekmur ; Representation of Spanish and Hispanicied English in US cinema before the sound era / Gary Keller ; Language, voices, faces, and spaces: sound in Jewish early movie exhibition / Louisa Ellen Shein
Sound practices in early exhibition (Europe) (moderator, Yuri Tsivian) : Sound effects: the missing dimension / Stephen Bottomore ; Talking to the picture: Britain, 1913 / Tony Fletcher, Ronald Grant ; Early Polish experiments with sound in film / Malgozata Hendrykowska ; Polemique ʹa propos de l'invention du parlant entre 1894 et 1926 / JMartin Barnier ; Discussion
Open forum on exhibition practices (Martin Marks, moderator)
The living nikelodeon : A receation / by Rick Altman, assisted by Laura Rabinovitz, Ann R. Lamond and Corey Creekmur
Gaumont chronophone films / by Alison McMahon
Date: 1998-06-03 Place: District of Columbia. Washington, D.C.
Recorded June 3, 1998, at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Authorized Access Point
Domitor Conference (5th : 1998 June 3 : Library of Congress) 5th Annual Domitor Conference