Bibframe Work
Praetorius, M. Terpsichore: Introduction and courante; Ballet; Hahnentanz (Ballet des coqs); Tanz der Fischer and Tanz der Bäuerinnen (Danse des pêcheurs et Danse des paysannes); Fastnachtstanz and Feuertanz (Danse du carnaval et Danse du feu); Suite of gavottes; Spagnoletta and Bourrée.
Holborne, A. Short airs both grave and light: Wanton; Nowel's galliard; Heigh-ho holiday; The choise; As it fell upon a holy eve; The fairie-round; Last will and testament; The honie-suckle; The marie-gold; The New-yeeres gift; The night-watch.
Lambranzi, G. Dances from the school of Gregorio Lambranzi: Bolognesa/Narcisin/Dimo Jesù/Genio; Ruberto/La disamecitia/Entrée/Logi/Hurlo bacho
Status: changed
Date: 2013-05-24T09:43:29
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
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Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-05T18:32:57.541799-04:00
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