The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

The creation
Oratorios (LCSH)
Creation--Songs and music (LCSH)
Oratorios (RVM)
Création--Chants et musique (RVM)
Genre Form
sound recordings (AAT)
Oratorios (LCGFT)
Sound recordings (LCGFT)
Oratorios (LCGFT)
Enregistrements sonores (RVMGF)
Accompanying Material
Sung or spoken text: English
Librettos: English
Librettos: French
Librettos: German
Accompanying material: English
Accompanying material: French
Accompanying material: German
LCC: SDD 58127 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 782/.23 full
Supplementary Content
libretto or text (libretto)
history of performer or ensemble (performerhistory)
historical information (historicalinfo)
performed music (prm)
Includes translation or is translation
original libretto: : German
accompanying material: : English
language: Sung in the 1957 English translation by Robert Shaw and Alice Parker.
Table Of Contents
CD 1: The Representation of Chaos
In the beginning
Now vanished by the holy beams
And God made the firmament
What wonder doth his work reveal
And God said: Let the waters
Rolling in foaming billows
And God said: Let all the earth bring forth grass
Now robed in cool refreshing green
And the heavenly host
Awake the harp
And God said: Let there be lights
In shining splendor
The heavens are telling
And God said: Let the waters bring forth
On mighty wings
And God created great whales
And the angels struck
In Fairest raiment
CD 2: And God said: Let earth bring forth
Straight opening her fertile womb
Now shines the brightest glory
And God created Man
In native worth
And God saw everything
Fulfilled at last the glorious work
From thee, O Lord
In rosy mantle
By then with grace
Now is our duty
Sweet companion!
O Happy pair
Sing ot God.
capture: Date: 1992-05-021992-05-041992-05-05 Place: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Recorded in: Date: 1992 May 2, 4-5 Place: Woodruff Memorial Arts Center, Atlanta, Ga
Temporal Coverage
Vocal Performances
voice: soprano (2)
voice: tenor (1)
voice: baritone (1)
voice: bass (1)
chorus: mixed chorus (4)
instrumental: orchestra
Authorized Access Point
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809 The creation