Bibframe Work
Machine generated contents note: 1 Technology and entrepreneurship 1
2 Knowledge, innovation and firm size 24
3 Local geographic spillovers 44
4 Sectoral characteristics 63
5 Innovation of entrepreneurial firms 74
6 Capital structure, innovation and firm size 98
7 Employment growth in metropolitan areas 115
8 Employment, wages and R&D spillovers 135
9 Heterogeneity versus specialization 154
10 Regional innovation systems 167
11 Epilogue: towards a 'new model of regional economic development'? 192
Appendix A: The innovation database 196
Appendix B: Innovations, R&D lab employment and university
research by state 203
Appendix C: Innovation, R&D lab employment and university
research by MSA 205
Appendix D: Innovation, private R&D lab employment and
university research by MSA and industry sector 209
Appendix E: Industry groupings 214
Appendix F: List of variables 215.
Status: changed
Date: 2005-04-11T18:16:43
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Date: 2024-08-05T21:10:27.642977-04:00
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