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[Collected papers in geology and paleontology, 1873-97]
Illustrative Content
LCC: QE702 .C68 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Table Of Contents
[1] On the new Perissodactyleo from the Bridger Eocene.
[2] On the osteology of the extinct tapiroid Hyrachyus.
[3] On some extinct types of Perissodactyles.
[4] The Wheeler geological survey of New Mexico for 1874.
[5] Abstract of remarks made before a meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, June 8th and 15th, 1875.
[6] On the supposed carnivora of the Eocene of the Rocky Mountains.
[7] The vertebrata of the Cretaceous formations of the West.
[8] Tenth contribution to the herpetology of tropical America.
[9] The theromorphous reptilia.
[10] On the genera of Felidae and Canidae.
[11] On the extinct American rhinoceroses and their allies.
[12] On the Sauropterygia of Boulogne-sur-Mer.
[13] The northern Wasatch fauna.
[14] Mammalia of the lowest Eocene.
[15] The fauna of Nickajack Cave.
[16] A new type of Perissodactyla.
[17] The oldest Artiodactyle.
[18] A new genus of Tillodonta.
[19] The Tertiary formations of the central region of the United States.
[20] New characters of the Perissodactyla condylarthra.
[21] A second genus of Eocene Plagiaulacidae.
[22] Mammalia in the Laramie Formation.
[23] The reptiles of the American Eocene.
[24] Notes on the geographical distribution of Batrachia and Reptilia in western North America.
[25] On a new extinct genus of Sirenia, from South Carolina.
[26] The extinct Rodentia of North America.
[27] On the extinct Rodentia of North America.
[28] The extinct Rodentia of North America.
[29] On Uintatherium and Bathmodon.
[30] The sediments of the Gulf Stream slope.
[31] On the mutual relations of the Bunotherian mammalia.
[32] The genus Phenacodus.
[33] On the fishes of the Recent and Pliocene lakes of the western part of the Great Basin, and of the Idaho Pliocene lake.
[34] The structure and appearance of the Laramie dinosaurian.
[35] A new Pliocene formation in the Snake River Valley.
[36] A new Chondrostean from the Eocene.
[37] The Loup Fork beds on the Gila River.
[38] The relations between the theromorphous reptiles and the monotreme mammalia.
[39] The Amblypoda.
[40] On the phylogeny of the vertebrata.
[41] Rodentia of the European tertiaries.
[42] On the evolution of the vertebrata, progressive and retrogressive. The position of Pterichthys in the system.
[43] The oldest Tertiary mammalia.
[44] The Lemuroidea and the Insectivora of the Eocene Period of North America.
[45] The mammalian genus Hemiganus.
[46] Marsh on the Dinocerata.
[47] The vertebrata of the Swift Current Creek Region of the Cypress Hills.
[48] The vertebrata of the Swift Current River II.
[49] Report on the coal deposits near Zacualtipan, in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico.
[50] On the structure of the brain and auditory apparatus of a theromorphous reptile of the Permian Epoch.
[51] The ankle and skin of the dinosaur, Diclonius mirabilis.
[52] The batrachian intercentrum.
[53] The sternum of the dinosauria.
[54] The long-spined theromorpha of the Permian Epoch.
[55] Rütimeyer on the classification of mammalia, and on American types recently found in Switzerland.
[56] The pineal eye in extinct vertebrates.
[57] Report of the Subcommittee on the Cenozoic of the interior.
[58] The Silver Lake of Oregon and its region.
[59] On the characters of some Paleozoic fishes.
[60] On some new and little know Paleozoic vertebrates.
[61] Fourth note on the dinosauria of Laramie. On a new genus of mammalia from the Laramie Formation.
[62] The genealogy of man.
[63] Description of a lower jaw of Tetrabelodon shepardii.
[64] Fourth contribution to the marine fauna of the Miocene Period of the United States.
[65] Baur on the temporal part of the skull, and on the morphology of the skull in the Mosasauridae.
[66] On new Paleozoic vertebrata from Illinois, ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Authorized Access Point
Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897 [Collected papers in geology and paleontology, 1873-97]