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Bibframe Work

African American urban experience
Geographic Coverage
LCC: HT123 .A66168 2004 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 307.76/089/96073 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 21)
15.85 (Source: bcl)
Supplementary Content
bibliography (bibliography)
index (index)
text (txt)
Table Of Contents
Urban alliances: the emergence of race-based populism in the age of Jackson / James Oliver Horton
Industrial slavery: linking the periphery and the core / Ronald L. Lewis
Black life on the Mississippi: African-American steamboat laborers and the work culture of the antebellum western steamboats / Thomas Buchanan
'Brotherly love' for which this city is proverbial should extend to all / Tera W. Hunter
Urban Black labor in the West, 1849-1940: reconceptualizing the image of a region / Quintard Taylor
Race and class in Chicago-school sociology: the underclass concept in historical perspective / Alice O'Connor
Black + Women = Work: gender dimensions of the African American economic experience / Susan Williams McElroy
Evidence on discrimination in employment: codes of color, codes of gender / William A. Darity, Patrick L. Mason
Race, class, and space: an examination of underclass notions in the steel and motor cities / Karen J. Gibson
Black community building process in post-urban disorder Detroit, 1967-1997 / Richard Walter Thomas
Asian American labor and historical interpretation / Chris Friday
Conversing across boundaries of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and region: Latino and Latina labor history / Camille Guerin-Gonzales
Ethnic and racial fragmentation: toward a reinterpretation of a local labor movement / James R. Barrett
Is race the problem of the 21st Century? / Alan Dawley
Authorized Access Point
African American urban experience