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TitleAkthar min raʼy: al-Qāʻidah bayna al-mulāḥaqah wa-al-muqāwamahOther Titles (e.g. Variant)Qāʻidah bayna al-mulāḥaqah wa-al-muqāwamahMore than one opinion: The Qaida Organization and its Jehad operationsTypeMoving ImageMonographNotelanguage: In Arabic.SummaryAn interactive, no-holds-barred discussion program that explores a variety of opinions and views on political, economic, social, scientific, and cultural issues. Guests include personalities and experts on specific Arab and international issues. In this episode, guests discuss the Qaida Organization and its Jehad operations. In the past they did not take resposibility for any operation, but that has now changed. They discuss the reasons for the change, its effect on Sharon's policy against the Palestinians, and the chance of escalating the war on terrorismDurationPT70MAuthorized Access PointAkthar min raʼy. al-Qāʻidah bayna al-mulāḥaqah wa-al-muqāwamah