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Seven rules for social research
Illustrative Content
LCC: H62 .F438 2008
DDC: 300.72 full
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Supplementary Content
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: The first rule. There should be the possibility of surprise in social research. Selecting a research question
Researchable questions
Interesting questions
Selecting a sample
Samples in qualitative studies
Is meaningful social research possible?
Student exercises on Rule 1. Chapter 2: The second rule. Look for differences that make a difference, and report them. You can't explain a variable with a constant
Maximizing variance to find the effect of a cause
Size versus statistical significance
Comparing effects where there is a common metric
Calibration: converting explanatory variables to a common metric
Substantive profiling: the use of telling comparisons
Visual presentation of results
Policy importance
Importance for theory
Student exercises on Rule 2. Chapter 3: The third rule. Build reality checks into your research. Internal reality checks
Reality checks on data-dubious values and incomplete data
Reality checks on measures-aim for consistency in conceptualization and measurement
Reality checks on models-the form equivalence check
External reality checks: validation with other data and methods
Using casual-process observations to test plausibility of results
Using ethnographic data to help interpret survey results
Other examples of multiple-method research
Concluding remark
Student exercises on Rule 3. Chapter 4: The fourth rule. Replicate where possible. Sources of uncertainty in social research
Overview: from population to sample and back to population
Measurement error as a source of uncertainty
Illustration two methods for estimating global poverty
Toward a solution: identical analyses of parallel data sets
Meta-analysis: synthesizing results formally across studies
Summary: Your confidence intervals are too narrow
Student exercises on Rule 4. Chapter 5: The fifth rule. Compare like with like. Correlation and causality
Types of strategies for comparing like with like
Matching versus looking for differences. The standard regression method for comparing like with like
Critique of the standard linear regression strategy
Comparing like with like through fixed-effects methods
First-difference models: subtracting out the effects of confounding variables
Special case: growth-rate models
Sibling models
Comparing like with like through matching on measured variables
Exact matching
Propensity-score method
Matching as a preprocessing strategy for reducing model dependence
Comparing like with like through naturally occurring random assignment
Instrumental variables: matching through partial random assignment
Matching through naturally occurring random assignment to the treatment group
Comparison of strategies for comparing like with like
Student exercises on Rule 5. Chapter 6: The sixth rule. Use panel data to study individual change and repeated cross-section data to study social change. Analytic differences between panel and repeated cross-section data
Three general questions about change
Changing-effect models, Part 1: two points in time
Changing effects models, Part 2: multilevel models with time as the context
What we want to know
The general multilevel model
Convergence models
The sign test for convergence
Convergence model versus changing-effect model
Bridging individual and social change: estimating cohort replacement effects
An accounting scheme for social change
Linear decomposition method
Student exercises on Rule 6. Chapter 7: The seventh rule. Let method be the servant, not the master. Obsession with regression
Naturally occurring ramdom assignment, again
Decomposition work in the social sciences
Decomposition of variance and inequality
Decomposition of segregation indexes
The effects of social context
Context effects as objects of study
effects as nuisance
Critical tests in social research
Student exercises on Rule 7.
Authorized Access Point
Firebaugh, Glenn Seven rules for social research