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Bibframe Work

The Gnostic Faustus
Faust, -approximately 1540
Faust, -approximately 1540--In literature. (LCSH)
Gnosticism (LCSH)
LCC: BT1390 .F725 2007 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 135 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 22)
Supplementary Content
bibliography (bibliography)
index (index)
text (txt)
Table Of Contents
Setting the stage
Here beginneth Doctor Faustus : his vita & historia
Of his parentage and youth
How Doctor Faustus did achieve and acquire sorcery
Here followeth the disputatio held by Faustus and the spirit
The second disputatio with the spirit
Doctor Faustus's third colloquium with the spirit, which was called Mephistopheles' concerning also the pact which these two made
Doctor Faustus's instrumentum or devilish and godless writ obligatio - Concerning the service that Mephistopheles used toward Faustus
Concerning Doctor Faustus's intended marriage
Doctor Faustus's quaestio of his spirit mephistopheles
A disputatio concerning the prior state of the banished angels
A disputatio concerning hell, how it was created and fashioned, concerning also the torments in hell
Doctor Faustus, his historia here followth the second part adventures & sundry questions
His almanacs and horoscopes
A disputatio or inquiry concerning the art of astronomia, or astrologia
A disputatio and false answer which the spirit gave to Doctor Faustus
How Doctor Faustus traveled down to hell
How Doctor Faustus journeyed up to the stars
Now I will tell you what I did see
Doctor Faustus's third journey concerning the stars
A question on this topic
The second question
The third question
Here followeth the third part : Doctor Faustus, his adventures the things he performed, and worked with his nigromantia at the courts of great potentantes
A history of the Emperor Charles V and Doctor Faustus
Concerning the antlers of a hart
Concerning three lords who were rapidly transported to a royal wedding in Munich
Concerning an adventure with a Jew
An adventure at the court of Count Anhalt
The manner in which Doctor Faustus as Bacchus kept Shrovetide
Concerning Helen charmed out of Greece
Concerning a gesticulation involving four wheels
Concerning four sorcerers who cut off one another's heads and put them on again, wherein Doctor Faustus, attending their performance, doth play the major role
Concerning an old man who would have converted Doctor Faustus from his godless life
Doctor Faustus his last tricks and what he did in the final years of his
How Doctor Faustus brought about the marriage of two lovers
Concerning divers flora in Doctor Faustus's garden on Christmas Day
Concerning an army raised against Lord Hardeck
Concerning the beautiful Helen from Greece, how she lived for a time with Doctor Faustus
Concerning one whose wife married while he was captive in Egypt and how Doctor Faustus informed and aided him
Concerning the testament : what Doctor Faustus bequeathed to his servant, Christof Wagner
The discourse which Doctor Faustus held with his son concerning his last will and testament
What Doctor Faustus did in the final month of his pact
Doctor Faustus : his lamentation, that he must die at a young and lusty age
Doctor Faustus lamenteth yet further
Doctor Faustus : his hideous end and spectaculum
Authorized Access Point
Fradon, Ramona The Gnostic Faustus