Bibframe Work
Make failure tolerable / George P. Shultz
Financial reforms to end government bailouts as we know them / Paul Volcker
Fifty years in the business : from Wall Street to the Treasury and beyond / Nicholas F. Brady
Defining systemic risk operationally / John B. Taylor
Lessons learned from the Lehman bankruptcy / Kimberly Anne Summe
A contractual approach to restructuring financial institutions / Darrell Duffie
Wind-down plans as an alternative to bailouts: the cross-border challenges / Richard J. Herring
Wind-down plans, incomplete contracting, and renegotiation risk : lessons from Tiger Woods / Joseph A. Grundfest
Expanding FDIC-style resolution authority / William F. Kroener III
The Kansas City plan / Thomas M. Hoenig, Charles S. Morris, and Kenneth Spong
Chapter 11F : a proposal for the use of bankruptcy to resolve financial institutions / Thomas H. Jackson
Evaluating failure resolution plans / Kenneth E. Scott
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Date: 2023-12-21T12:10:27
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