Bibframe Work
My life belongs to you
I can give you the starlight
My dearest dear
The leap year waltz
Three ballet tunes
The wings of sleep
Waltz of my heart
Why isn't it you
If only you knew
Rose of England
Haven of your heart
Music in May
Why is there never goodbye?
Studio scene (a bit of opera)
Love made the song
The miracle of Nichaow [3 tracks] : (temple ballet music)
The bridge of lovers (finale).
Status: changed
Date: 2012-05-29T11:53:58
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-06T01:11:48.527549-04:00
Encoding Level: full
Description Level:
Description Conventions: Anglo-American cataloguing rules
Identified By: bf:Local, 17311060
Description Language: English
Description Authentication: lccopycat