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Bibframe Work

The Larry Sanders show
Moving Image
Television talk shows--Drama (LCSH)
LCC: DXA 0016 (viewing copy) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 791.45/72 full (Source: 22)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
subtitles: : English
language: Closed-captioned.
The Larry Sanders show raised the bar for fearless, acid-funny Hollywood satire. The innovative use of both video and film to distinguish on-air from off, displaying the jarring dynamic between Sander's on-camera poise and back-stage neurosis, was brutally fascinating. Includes 89 original episodes, deleted scenes, commentaries, documentary, interviews, and more.
Table Of Contents
Season 1, disc 1. What have you done for me lately? (aka The garden weasel). The promise. The spiders episode. Guest Host. The new producer. The flirt episode. Hank's contract
season 1, disc 2. Out of the loop. The talk show episode. Party. The warmth episode. A brush with (the elbow of) greatness. The hey now episode
season 2, disc 1. The breakdown. The list. The stalker. Larry's agent. The hankerciser 200. Life behind Larry. Artie's gone
season 2, disc 2. Larry loses interest. Larry's partner. Broadcast nudes. Larry's birthday. Being there. The performance artist. Hank's wedding
season 2, disc 3. Off camera. The grand opening. New York or L.A.
season 3, disc 1. Montana. You're having my baby. Would you do me a favor? The gift. People's Choice. Hank's night in the sun. Office romance
season 3, disc 2. The Mr. Sharon Stone Show. Headwriter (aka Headwriter Phil). Like no business I know. Larry loses a friend. Doubt of the benefit. Hank's divorce
season 3, disc 3. The fourteenth floor. Next stop
bottom. Arthur's crises. End of the season
season 4. disc. 1, Roseanne's return. Hank's new assistant. Arthur after hours. The bump. Jeannie's visit. The P.A.
season 4, disc 2. Hank's sex tape. Nothing personal. Brother, can you spare 1.2 million? Conflict of interest. I was a teenage lesbian. Larry's sitcom. Larry's big idea
season 4, disc 3. Beverly and the prop job. 0.409. Eight. Larry's on vacation
season 5, disc 1. Everybody loves Larry. My name is Asher Kingsley. Where is the love? Ellen, or isn't she. The new writer
season 5, disc 2. Matchmaker. Make a wish. Artie, Angie, Hank and Hercules. The prank. The book
season 5, disc 3. Pain equals funny. The roast. Larry's new love
season 6, disc 1. Another list. The beginning of the end. As my career lay dying. Pilots and pens lost. The interview. Adolf Hankler. Beverly's secret
season 6, disc 2. I buried Sid. Just the perfect blendship. Putting the "gay" back in litigation. Flip
Intended Audience
Not rated
more than 999 minutes
Authorized Access Point
The Larry Sanders show. The complete series