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Bibframe Work

"At last -- I'm completely secure in here!"
Still Image
Genre Form
LCC: BLOCK, no. 5028 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
still image (sti)
Forms part of: Herbert L. Block collection (Library of Congress)
Editorial cartoon showing Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson bricking in the only door of a large stone wall, labeled "Senate control." Outside that wall senators Symington, Humphrey and Kennedy run in the direction of a sign, "1960 nomination." With a broad grin as he finishes cementing the door, Johnson says, "At last -- I'm completely secure in here!" On January 12, 1960, Senate Democratic Party liberals had tried and failed to weaken Johnson's control over policy-making in the Senate in a 51-12 vote. Herblock may be suggesting that Johnson, in maintaining control of the Senate, was putting himself at a disadvantage in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Authorized Access Point
Block, Herbert, 1909-2001 "At last -- I'm completely secure in here!"