Bibframe Work
CD one. Steppes in the right direction
Royal box
Man bites God
Let's face it
The heat-death of the universe
Deutscher chansons
The sadder and wiser Beaver
and things
And the same to you
Aftermyth of war ; Interval.
CD two. Civil war
Real class
Little Miss Britten
The suspense is killing me
Porn shop
The death of Lord Nelson
Frank speaking
Bloody Rhondda mine
Black equals white
Sitting on the bench
Bread alone
Take a pew
So that's the way you like it
The end of the world.
CD three. Bollard
Take a pew
Aftermyth of war
Sitting on the bench
Portraits from memory
The end of the world
Home thoughts from abroad
The English way of death
The Weill song
Royal box
One leg too few
Two English songs. Little Miss Britten ; Old Meg she was a gypsy
Lord Cobbold ; The Duke (Studio Five interviews)
Real class
A piece of my mind (The heat-death of the universe)
The great train robbery.
Status: new
Date: 2014-06-30
Status: changed
Date: 2019-12-10T13:40:06
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-02T19:09:46.674417-04:00
Encoding Level: full
Description Level:
Description Conventions: Anglo-American cataloguing rules
Identified By: bf:Local, 18206647
Description Authentication: lccopycat