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Bibframe Work

Radio and television scripts and music from the Nathan Kroll Collection
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Nathan Kroll collection
Mixed Material
Geographic Coverage
LCC: ML31 .K75 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
text (txt)
language: Collection material in English.
The collection contains annotated scripts and scores and parts for the radio programs 'Theatre U.S.A.,' 'Great Scenes from Great Plays,' and 'One Great Hour,' and the television program 'Showtime U.S.A.'
The Scripts series contains typed scripts that Kroll annotated as music director for the various programs. Annotations include deletions, insertions, and cues.
The Music series contains holograph, manuscript, and printed full scores, piano-conductor scores, piano-vocal scores, and parts for arrangements and compositions primarily by Kroll
Origin Date(s)
Authorized Access Point
Kroll, Nathan Radio and television scripts and music from the Nathan Kroll Collection
Collection Arrangement
Collection Organization: Organized into the following series: I. Scripts (1948-1951), subdivided: Theatre U.S.A. (1948-1949), Great Scenes from Great Plays (1948-1949 and undated), One Great Hour (1949), Schowtime U.S.A. (1950-1951), II. Music (1948-1951)