The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Songs from Le voir dit
Accompanying Material
Sung or spoken text: French, Middle (ca. 1300-1600)
Librettos: French, Middle (ca. 1300-1600)
Librettos: English
Accompanying material: English
Accompanying material: French
Accompanying material: German
LCC: SDC 51070 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 782.4/3 full (Source: 23)
Supplementary Content
libretto or text (libretto)
history of performer or ensemble (performerhistory)
historical information (historicalinfo)
performed music (prm)
original libretto: : French, Middle (ca. 1300-1600)
language: Sung in Middle French.
Table Of Contents
Plourés dames : ballade 32 (6:49)
Dame, se vou n'avez aperceü : rondeau 13 (3:41)
Ne que on porroit : ballade 33 (7:34)
Sans cuer dolens : rondeau 4 (4:38)
Longuement me sui tenus : lai 13/18 (21:02)
Dis et sept, cinq : rondeau 17 (4:34)
Puis qu'en oubli : rondeau 18 (1:45)
Quant Theseus/Ne quier veoir : ballade 34 (6:56)
Se pour ce muir : ballade 36 (7:27)
Recorded: Date: 2012 July 2-5 Place: Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Loughton, Essex.
Authorized Access Point
Guillaume, de Machaut, approximately 1300-1377 Songs from Le voir dit