The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Kun mkyen Klong-chen Rab-ʼbyams kyi gsung ʼbum bzhugs; under the direction of Tarthang Tulku
Rnying-ma-pa (Sect)--Doctrines (LCSH)
Rdzogs-chen (LCSH)
Rnying-ma-pa (Sect)--Rituals--Texts (LCSH)
Accompanying Material
Summary or abstract: English
LCC: BQ7662.4 .K492 2014 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
text (txt)
language: In Tibetan, with preface in English.
Table Of Contents
1-2. Rdzogs pa chen po snying thig ya bzhi las bi ma snying thig gi skor bzhugs
3-5. Rdzogs pa chen po snying thig ya bzhi las mkhaʼ ʼgro snying thig gi skor bzhugs
6. Rdzogs pa chen po snying thig ya bzhi las bla ma yang tig gi skor bzhugs
7. Rdzogs pa chen po snying thig ya bzhi las zab mo yang tig gi skor bzhugs
[8] Yid bzhin rin po cheʼi mdzod ces bya baʼi stod cha bzhugs
[9] Yid bzhin mdzod kyi smad cha dang gnas lugs mdzod bcas bzhugs
[10] Grub mthaʼ rin po cheʼi mdzod ces bya ba dang man ngag rin po cheʼi mdzod bcas bzhugs
[11] Chos dbyings rin po cheʼi mdzod ces bya ba bzhugs
[12] Theg mchog rin po cheʼi mdzod ces bya baʼi stod cha bzhugs
[13] Theg mchog rin po cheʼi mdzod ces bya baʼi smad cha bzhugs
[14] Tshig don rin po cheʼi mdzod ces bya ba bzhugs
[15-16] Rdzogs pa chen po ngal gso skor gsum zhes bya ba bzhugs
[17] Rdzogs pa chen po ngal gso skor gsum smad cha dang rang grol skor gsum bcas bzhugs
[18] Dpal ma haʼ yo ga las gsang ʼgrel mun sel skor gsum bzhugs
[19] Gsung thor buʼi skor bzhugs.
Authorized Access Point
Klong-chen-pa Dri-med-ʼod-zer, 1308-1363 Kun mkyen Klong-chen Rab-ʼbyams kyi gsung ʼbum bzhugs; under the direction of Tarthang Tulku